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Building complex components.

The videos below show you how to build complex Sprig components.

The source code for all components is freely available in this repo.

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Sprigboard #


Sprigboard is a listing of entries that includes live search, filtering by section and status, selecting the number of results per page, pagination, ordering and sorting.

View the Sprigboard demo »

1. Introduction to Sprigboard #

3. Building Search Filters #

4. Building More Filters #

5. Sorting Results by Column #

6. Reactive Pagination #

7. Pushing URL Updates #

The source code for this component is available in this repo. This video series is also available at CraftQuest.

Sprigcart #


Sprigcart is a reactive Craft Commerce cart that consists of three products that can be rotated and added to the shopping cart. Sprigcart uses multiple components that can re-render each other.

View the Sprigcart demo »

1. Introduction to Sprigcart #

2. Building the Product Components #

3. Building the Shopping Cart Component #

4. Communicating Between Sprig Components #

The source code for this component is available in this repo. This video series is also available at CraftQuest.

Sprigform #


Sprigform is a multi-page form that includes a live suggestion field, conditional fields and repeatable table fields.

View the Sprigform demo »

1. Introduction to Sprigform #

2. Creating a Simple Form #

3. Building the Form Steps #

5. Building Conditional Fields #

6. Building a Multi-row Table Field #

7. Form Types and Validation #

The source code for this component is available in this repo. This video series is also available at CraftQuest.

Sprig Filters #

Sprig Filters

Sprig Filters provide advanced filtering of products using custom fields, date ranges, relationship fields and price ranges.

View the Sprig Filters demo »

1. Introduction to Sprig Filters #

2. Setting Default Values #

3. Coding the Filters #

4. Querying Based on Filter Values #

5. Outputting the Products #

The source code for this component is available in this repo. This video series is also available at CraftQuest.