Developer is an accessory that allows you to quickly access the most essential sections of the control panel during site setup. It appears as a new tab in the control panel and is guaranteed to increase your productivity!!

Developer has been discontinued and is no longer available. Thank you for the continued support over the years. Please consider an alternative add-on.

First Place Award Devot:ee AcademEE Awards Accessory of the Year

There is a lot of jumping around the control panel when setting up an EE site (channels, custom fields, categories, etc.) and this can often slow down your development process. The idea behind Developer is to provide you with a single tab that allows you to access all of these sections much quicker than usual.

Developer automatically adds a tab to the end of the main navigation of the control panel for super admins. It allows you to quickly access your templates, snippets, global variables, custom fields, channels, categories, member groups, upload destinations, modules, extensions, accessories, fieldtypes, plugins, admin links, tools and general configuration.




Installation #

Download and unzip Responsive CP, then follow the simple steps below:

  1. Upload the system/expressionengine/third_party/developer folder
  2. Install the Developer accessory (Control Panel → Add-Ons → Accessories → Install)

Updating #

Download and unzip the latest version of Responsive CP, then follow the steps below:

  1. Overwrite the system/expressionengine/third_party/developer folder