As of Craft 3.1.0, Project Config” is a thing. Here’s a technical rundown of how it works.

Project config database

Overview #

  • Project config is always on.
  • Project config is responsible for the site schema.
  • Project config is stored in the config column of the Info table in the database as a serialized JSON encoded (as of 3.1.33) array.
  • Project config is backed up automatically and stored in .yaml files in storage/config-backups.
  • Project config data should only be editable by admins.

The Project Config File #

  • Enabling useProjectConfigFile tells Craft to store project config in a config/project.yaml file and use that version as the single source of truth.
  • Craft monitors the project.yaml file for changes and if it detects any then syncs them to project config in the database.
  • As a best practice, site schema changes should only be made in the environment in which the project.yaml file is version controlled and deployed from.
  • The value stored in the config column of the Info table is what is loaded on each regular request (for optimisation purposes).

Caveats #

  • If Craft detects that project.yaml has changed but that the versions of Craft and plugins in the file are incompatible with what’s actually installed then access to the control panel will be denied. Running composer install should resolve any discrepancies.
  • Use environment variables to store sensitive information in settings so as to prevent them being stored in plaintext in project config.

Plugins #

  • Plugins that manipulate the site schema should do so using service APIs or the ProjectConfig service instead of directly in the database.
  • Plugins that store references to site schema components in project config should store the UIDs (universally unique identifiers) instead of the IDs of those components, as IDs may be different across environments but UIDs will not.

Plugin Migrations #

  • Plugin migrations that update the site schema (including their own settings) should do so using the Plugins service or their own services instead of directly in the database. These updates will be carried over to other environments when useProjectConfigFile is set to true.

  • Plugin migrations are applied before applying all the other project.yaml changes, so if you update project config file from a plugin migration, the end result is that Craft thinks that the project.yaml file is synced already and the other changes never get applied. It may also result in an exception being thrown if allowAdminChanges is set to false in the environment in which the migration is being run and changes to project config are not allowed. A schema version check should to be made against the project.yaml file (not the database) to prevent this situation. 

    // Don't make the same config changes twice
    $schemaVersion = Craft::$app->projectConfig->get('plugins.myPluginHandle.schemaVersion', true);
    if (version_compare($schemaVersion, '1.1.0', '<')) {
      // Make the config changes here...
  • By setting the muteEvents flag on the ProjectConfig service to true, you can prevent changes in project.yaml from triggering events. This is useful if you want to modify something complex in plugin settings, for example. The best way to do it is to set the flag to true, make your changes to both project config and then database and then be sure to set the flag back to false. Not doing so will cause any site schema changes in project.yaml to be ignored and potentially resulting in things being out of sync.

Site Schema #

  • Asset volumes and image transforms
  • Category groups
  • Email settings
  • Fields and field groups
  • Global set settings
  • Matrix block types
  • Plugin settings
  • Routes defined in Settings → Routes
  • Sections and entry types
  • Sites and site groups
  • System settings
  • Tag groups
  • User groups and settings